Home Orders


Yes. You can place many different order types with DEGIRO. For a full list of current order types, please refer to Product & Order Types section on the Products & Markets page. For more information on the different order types, please refer to the Orders and Order Execution Policy document in our Document Centre.

With this Order type, you set a minimum price (in case of a sell) or maximum price (in case of a buy) for which you want to execute your Order. Your Order will never be executed at a worse price than your limit price. If the price that you have stated is not attainable at that time, your Order will be sent to the place of execution at which the best-price execution is expected.

Please refer to the ISI “Orders and Order Execution Policy” document in our Document Centre.

With a Best (Market) order, you place an order to execute your transaction at the current best possible price. This may be necessary if, in any event, you want your order executed. However, certainly with less liquid products, you may receive a worse price than what you anticipated. We therefore strongly advise you to treat this form of order with care.

Please refer to the ISI “Orders and Order Execution Policy” document in our Document Centre.

Stop Loss orders are designed to limit your loss if a share that you hold falls in price. As soon as the price of a share reaches your Stop level, this triggers a Market order to be sent to the place of execution. Dependent on the place of execution, this Order type is offered by the exchange or simulated in the IT systems of DEGIRO. In the latter case, this is on a best-effort basis.

Likewise, when you have a short position, you can place a Stop Loss order to limit your losses if the share price rises. The Stop price then is the price level at which you will start buying back your short position.

In most situations the last price is used as a trigger, but it can also be that the bid price and ask price can be used. To avoid bad executions at unfavourable prices, for some product segments the stop loss will not be released when market maker quotes are not in the market or not visible. On the Products & Markets page you can find for what products this may apply.

Please refer to the ISI “Orders and Order Execution Policy” document in our Document Centre.

A Stop Limit Order is a Stop Loss Order that instead of a Market Order generates a Limit Order when your chosen 'stop loss' level is reached. The advantage is that the buy or sell transaction cannot take place against a worse price than your chosen limit. The risk of course is that due to the limit, no transaction will take place at all. For the rest the same applies as for the Stop Loss Order.

Please refer to the ISI “Orders and Order Execution Policy” document in our Document Centre.

A trailing stop order is an order with a variable stop price. If the price of the security moves away from the chosen stop price, the stop level moves with it. With this order type a stop price must be chosen. The stop price determines the stop level after placing the order. Additionally you have to set a distance as absolute value (for example in GBP) or in percent.

If the price of the security moves in such a way that the distance to the stop price increases, the stop price will move to re-establish the predetermined distance. If the price of the security moves in such a way that the distance to the stop price decreases, the stop level stays the same.

Example: Sell order of 20 shares of stock ABC. Current price is £10.

  1. You place a trailing stop sell order with a stop price of £9.70 and a distance of 5%. The stop price is set to £9.70 at the exchange because the stop price is closer to the current price than what the chosen distance indicates.
    • a. The price increases to £10.50. The stop price moves to £9.975 due to the chosen distance of 5%. If the price falls to this level, the sell order will be executed.
    • b. The new stop price is at £9.975. If the current price of the stock falls to £10.20, the stop price stays the same.
    • c. The price of stock ABC moves from £10.20 to £11.00. The stop price is therefore moved to £10.45.
  2. You place a trailing stop sell Order with a stop price of £9.00 and a distance of 5%. Since the entered stop price is more than 5% away from the current price of £10.00, the stop price will immediately be set to a level of £9.50. The entered stop price of £9.00 will not be relevant in this case.>

When placing an order, you select whether you want the duration to be a Day Order or GTC.

  • A Day Order will stay open until it is executed during the trading day or until the relevant market closes. In case the order has not been executed by the end of the trading day of the relevant market, the order will be automatically deleted. In the case of a Day Order being placed when the market is closed, this will typically be placed on the following trading day.
  • A GTC (Good-till-Cancel) order on the other hand, will roll over into the next trading day if the order has not been executed at the end of the trading day. How GTC orders are handled will depend on the trading venue. For example, orders to Euronext will be valid for one year while orders for US exchanges will be valid for 90 days. However, there is no guarantee that the Order is not cancelled due to other causes such as a corporate action of the underlying company. For this reason you should monitor the status of your open Orders.

To open a short position, you simply place a sell order on a product in which you do not currently hold a long position. This service is only available for Active, Trader, and Day Trader profiles.

Please be aware that we do not offer the ability to short US securities or Risk Category D products.

If you wish to trade using a particular option strategy, you will need to use a Combination order. The option can be found under the Orders tab. You then select the exchange, the option chain, and both legs of the strategy.

The types of option strategy which can be used by this order type includes (but is not limited to):

  • Call spread
  • Put spread
  • Call Calendar Spread
  • Put Calendar Spread
  • Straddle
  • Strangle

Please be aware that if you attempt to make two separate orders for each leg of the strategy, will need to have sufficient margin available in your account for each order to be treated independently. Currently DEGIRO offers Combination orders on Euronext listed options.

All orders can be placed using your WebTrader, MobileTrader, or Android or iOS app. If you are not able to place an order via the WebTrader there is also the possibility to place an order through the Order Desk by e-mail or telephone.

If for some reason you are unable to place an order via the WebTrader, you can place an e-mail order to our Orders Desk at orders@degiro.co.uk.

The order will be processed by DEGIRO if the e-mail contains all of the following information:

  • Username of your DEGIRO account,
  • Product (option series or ISIN number),
  • Buy/Sell/Cancel/Exercise options,
  • Number of securities / Amount to be traded,
  • Price at which the order must be sent to market (limit price),
  • Day order,
  • Exchange to place order

Email orders are subject to the conditions laid on in the document Orders and Order Execution Policy. There may be an additional cost for this service. Please see the Fee Schedule and Custody Fee Schedule for details.

If for some reason you are unable to place an order via the WebTrader, you can place a telephone order with our Orders Desk. To do so, please call our Service Desk at +44 (0) 20 3695 7834 and ask to place a telephone order.

Telephone orders are subject to the conditions laid on in the document Orders and Order Execution Policy. There may be an additional cost for this service. Please see the Fee Schedule and Custody Fee Schedule for details.

No. We do not support Pre-Market or After-Hours trading.

A buy order will be reflected in your portfolio immediately after execution. Cash proceeds from sell orders will similarly be reflected immediately in your cash funds upon execution and available for further investment purchases or withdrawal without delay.

There are a number of reasons why an order might not accepted. DEGIRO offers access to over 60 exchanges worldwide, each with varying rules of acceptability for an order to be accepted.

Some common reasons why an order is not accepted can include (but is not limited to):

  • Price Limit: Many exchanges set a range of acceptability and will reject an order in the case that the order price exceeds this band. This is to prevent excess volatile movements in price of securities. As such an order can be rejected in the case that the price too high or too low compared to last traded price
  • Worst Case Scenario: If this was a market order then likely what was happening was that the order was being blocked because of the worst case execution scenario. Since with a market order the price is not set until the order is executed, we must account for a sudden change in price between the time the order is placed and the order is executed. If this seems to be the issue then please either reduce the quantity for a market order or place a limit order where the price set will be less than your available funds.
  • Incorrect Stop Price: Stop Loss and Stop Limit orders are intended to trigger at a certain point after a fall in stock price. As such, when entering a Stop price, it must be lower than the current trading price of the security.
  • Tick Size: Some products set a fixed tick size for the minimum movement in the price. An order may be rejected if this price limit is not met. For instance; if a stock requires all prices to be set to a tick size to the nearest £0.25, an order for £0.35 would be rejected. In essence, the limit price set must be divisible with the tick size.
  • Lot Size: Some exchanges require stocks to be purchased in allotments of certain amount such as 1,000, 10,000, etc. This is particularly common in Asian markets.

DEGIRO suggests familiarising yourself with the rules and conditions of the exchange before you start trading.

There are a number of reasons why an order may not be executed. Various exchanges and trading segments have different rules and trading hours. DEGIRO recommends familiarising yourself with the different requirements of the exchanges on which you trade.

After placing an order, so long as your order is listed under the Outstanding Orders window of your WebTrader, you will have the potential for execution of the order so long as you meet the current market requirements for execution.

Sometimes in order to get the best execution, your order may be split and filled in multiple parts. In this case, you may see that your order is divided into multiple fills. Instances where a single order is sold in multiple parts will still only be charged a single commission fee by DEGIRO.

In case of insufficient trading volume, it may be possible that an order is only partially filled.

Orders placed during trading hours will immediately be sent to the exchange. If a GTC order wasn’t executed during trading hours it will remain in your outstanding orders. If you delete this order after market hours, it may not be removed until the following day prior to market opens. For example, cancelled GTC order on US listings will be removed from 12:00 UK time the following day.

Note: Investing involves risks. You can lose (a part of) your deposit. We advise you to only invest in financial products which match your knowledge and experience.

Investing involves risks. You can lose (a part of) your deposit. We advise you to only invest in financial products which match your knowledge and experience.